Updating AV

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Updating AV

Post by diskett »

Hi there,

I'm actually testing Cacheguard Web Gateway Appliance.

But i can't get my AV DB updated. I have access to the net, but the state of the update keeps pending. (see pic.)

Can you help me for this please?

Thanks in advance for your support.
CG_av_update.png (29.81 KiB) Viewed 25154 times
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Re: Updating AV

Post by david »


Thank you for your post.

Generally speaking, the complete AV signatures DB is downloaded the first time you activate the antivirus and afterwards it's automatically kept up to date. In normal circumstances you shouldn't explicitly update the AV signatures using the command: antivirus update. Can you please send me the output of the following commands:

Code: Select all

antivirus auto
mode antivirus
mode web
mode rweb
Also please double check that your DNS can properly resolve names. To do so you can perform a ping (for instance do the following: ping cacheguard.net).

Please note that if the antivirus update/create operation is performed too often, your system can be banned by update servers for a while. By default the antivirus is updated using update servers in UK (antivirus auto uk). You can try to use update servers in other countries (for instance try this:antivirus auto fr).

Best Regards,
David Janeway
CacheGuard Technical Team
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