Expression lists are based on regular expressions. You can read more about regular expressions at:
http://www.cacheguard.net/doc/command/urllist.html (section REGULAR EXPRESSIONS).
We don't provide expression lists but for example the following regular expression given in the SquidgGuard documentation can block porn sites searched with Google:
To use this expression with CacheGuard please do the following:
- Put it in a file called
- Compress the file with gzip (to obtain the file
- Copy the file
Porn.expressions.gz on a trusted file server (read more at about trusted file servers at
- Then use following commands to integrate it into your CG (replace the file transfer protocol and IP address by yours):
Code: Select all
urllist add Porn
urllist load create Porn tftp Porn expressions
guard rule add default deny Porn
mode guard on
Best Regards,